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What is a Yoga Immersion?
A yoga immersion is like an overload of all things yoga – in a very good way! It is a period of time where you take on the role of a shishya (disciple/student) and surrender to learning the wisdom that yoga has to offer. A variety of topics are covered in various formats- from asana, or physical practice, to discussions on yoga philosophy, ancient texts, and more. Our small class size means there are plenty of chances to ask your teacher questions, discuss with your fellow participants, and assures an optimal setting for learning and growth.  Meant to be a time of self-exploration, self discovery and self-mastery, you will work with discipline and joy to deepen the bond within your own self.

Who Should Participate?
Yoga practitioners!  It is open to beginner yoga students with reasonable vinyasa experience as well as advanced yoga students.


Yogis should be ready to look within, yearn for  transformation, and willing to cultivate community.  Our fall and spring grow groups are lighter in nature and focus on one aspect where the 40-day immersion is a lifestyle overhaul for the better.



Meet Your Rewire Instructors


Trish Washburn & Lynn Harris

Trish & Lynn's Grow Group offerings are based on their love of people.

Trish's passions of anatomy and yoga lifestyle (practice & philosophy) combined with Lynn's love of gut health, whole foods, and healthy eating give you a well rounded, realistic, and holistic approach. 

Trish & Lynn believe everyone can achieve more than they ever thought possible! The Grow Groups are designed to prove you really can do anything with a little faith, patience, knowledge and a sense of humor.



Are you ready to embrace your brilliance?

Rewire Schedule

September 30th

  • Introduction Video link along with the Reading packet and itinerary emailed.

  • Reading to complete before the grow group start



  • meditation (10 Min, guided recording provided)

  • yoga practice, (5 days per week and you decide the length 15 - 60 min, videos provided)

Weekly on Mondays 

  • October 7th - 28th, 2024

  • 6:00 - 7:15pm: Asana & pranayama practice (optional, studio or virtual offering)

  • 7:30 - 8:15pm: Group discussion, lectures, and group share


Grow Groups
Creating Lasting Transformation




We’re so glad you’ve found your way here and want to take your yoga to a deeper level! Read all the info to learn about our Grow Groups!


Our studio is here to support you in creating radical changes and paradigm shifts in the way your have been living. Consider this your invitation to look within and create meaningful change.


Have you ever heard your yoga teacher say "take your practice off your mat and into the world”? What the heck does that actually mean?


Life is hard and when implementing new things, it takes time and discipline.  We all know this, but many of us are seeking a deeper introspective journey into what it means to LIVE OUR YOGA. So often we think, 'yeah, that’s great and I need to implement this or let go of that' after coming out of a yoga class, but then life happens and we get caught up in the to-do list of the day and our intention ends up falling by the way side. Does this sound familiar?  It did for us!


Our staff at Soleil Lune was/is tired of going it alone and talking about it after the fact or wanting to start, but never starting. We all wanted to have others alongside us and be in an environment where we could learn, implement, be held accountable, and give/receive information from one another. Hence…..the birth of of our Grow Group offerings.  


Our Grow Group offerings are designed for just that: to help you grow alongside like minded souls in order to put yoga philosophy into action. They are essentially a life application yoga classes that can include yoga asana classes, meditations, reading, journaling, mindful eating/food selection, and lectures along with a group meeting to discuss various topics. You will be assigned an accountability partner to help each other stay on track as well as move through the experience with a group of people. 

Life is a journey that constantly evolves, with ups and downs, between growth and contraction. Regardless of what you're going through it's important to keep moving forward with a structure of practices to support the outer and inner results you want. Complacency can lead to stagnation and the loss of your forward momentum.

To grow and expand, you need to step outside your comfort zone and do the work to disrupt it everyday. When you confront resistance and do things outside your comfort zone consistently, you experience real change and new potential. There will never be a ‘right time’ so stop waiting and START DOING!

We offer Grow Groups three times per year: 


Fall & Spring Grows (October/May)

  • 4 week immersion, focused on one topic

  • Journaling, light reading

  • 3 yoga videos: 15 min, 30 min, 60 min

  • Perhaps some recorded guided meditations

  • Weekly Grow Group 45-min sessions where we share and grow together


Winter Grow (January/February)

  • 6-week Immersion Program 

  • 40 day self-revolution focus on daily yoga & meditation practices with deep dive into healthier eating and journaling

  • This course is rigorous because we know you want to be the best, you want to be effective in your own life, and you want to make a difference in the lives of others. It will take something new from you so plan to bring your focus, commitment, discipline, and a willingness to learn.

  • Based on Baron Baptiste’s book: 40 Days to Personal Revolution

  • Yoga practices begin with 10 minutes with each week increasing the time to 90-minute practices during the final week. Don't panic. It is a process and we build you and your current schedule into it!

  • Weekly Grow Group 45-min sessions where we share and grow together​​​


Fall 2024

Grow Group: Rewire
October 2024


This fall we are offering our latest Group Grow: Rewire.  This is a 4-week offering where we will explore the power of yoga to rewire our minds by implementing and embodying the 8 Universal Principles for Stepping up to the Edge as outlined in Baron Baptiste’s book: Journey Into Power. This offering incorporates asana (the physical practice) as an access to vitality/power/freedom, meditation as a means to getting present, and self-inquiry as an access to new possibilities. 

This journey requires your full commitment and mind-body focus. The class is for anyone. You can have a new practice and hope to move deeper into yoga and philosophy, or you can be a seasoned practitioner looking for inspiration, your own intention, or personal retreat. All that we ask is that you set a clear intention and stay the course. We will support you through these four special weeks and set you and your new yoga-self free.

“All the work you’ve done up until now has been to lead you to this precise moment, to face precisely what you’re facing.” ~ Baron Baptiste


What to expect:

  1. Purchase Journey into Power (Amazon $12). We will be focusing on the Introduction & Part 1 Rewiring your Mind (pages 17-43) as well as Part 5 Journeying Into Real Life (pages 202-212).

  2. The 4 week program includes journaling material, reading packet, 3 recorded yoga practices (15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes), and our Group Meets.

  3. Group Meets: Monday evenings October 7-28 at Soleil Lune Yoga Center 7:30pm-8:00pm. Yep, it’s in person only for these sessions. 

  4. Be prepared each Monday to discuss specific principles and share your journal insights. We will take about 2 principles at each Group Meet.


What is the investment?

Sign-up now to take advantage of our Early Bird pricing:

  • $99 for Soleil Lune members (monthly autopay or yearly unlimited members)

  • $199 for Non-Members (includes all course material/recordings plus unlimited yoga classes at SLYC for the duration of the program which are available in studio and virtually)


This pricing does NOT include the Journey Into Power Book. This book is available for purchase online or through Kindle.


Special Instructions:

We are so glad you have committed to investing in yourself!  We know the process isn’t always easy. Our expectation is for you to dedicate yourself to the program and stay open when resistance arises. The results will be worth it!!

Please purchase Journey Into Power by Baron Baptiste available through Amazon or Kindle.  You will receive your orientation video, reading itinerary, and journaling packet one week prior to the session start.You will be expected to have WEEK 1 completed for our first Group Meet.


Grab a notebook/journal dedicated to your Group Grow: Rewire and get ready for great things!

We look forward to meeting you and growing together in October! 

Lynn & Trish

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